Thinkfree Office Show Limitations

File size and number of slides limitations

Files over 200MB or with over 200 slides cannot be opened.

Opening a file on an unsupported OS or browser
If Thinkfree Office Show tries to open a file on an unsupported OS/browser (i.e., Linux, Opera, etc.) then the file will be opened in Viewer mode after displaying a warning message.
Copying slide from another office application
Thinkfree Office Show doesn't support pasting of copied slides from another office application.
Chart, SmartArt, OLE objects
Charts, SmartArt, OLE objects are rendered as read-only.
Movie/sound playback
Thinkfree Office Show doesn't support playback of embedded movies or sound objects.
Animation / slide transition effects
Thinkfree Office Show doesn't support Animation/Slide transition effects.
Copy and paste objects or fonts in Show to another office application
Copied objects or fonts from Thinkfree Office Show does not maintain the style after pasting the content into another office application.
Copy and paste objects from another office application to Thinkfree Office Show
Some objects copied from another office application will be pasted as an image in Show.
Copy and paste text from another office application to Thinkfree Office Show
When copying text from another office application, only formatting supported by Show can be maintained (e.g. font color, bold, italics etc.).
Text box or text size resizing
When pasting text into a text box with auto-fit, the text or text box will be resized after deselecting it.
Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) support
Only Sogou IME is supported in Win/Mac OS environments.
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