Thinkfree Office v1.9.0 Major Milestone Release

The latest Thinkfree Office version 1.9.0, includes a major spreadsheet application upgrade with significant feature, performance and usability enhancements..  


1) Thinkfree Office Cell (spreadsheet):


Conditional Formatting

We have added complete support for the feature to render, add, and modify conditionally formatted cells.

The new conditional rules manager allows you to set up rule sets to apply color scale, cell value and icon set formatting rules to specified cell ranges.
The conditional formatting result is similar to what you would see in MS Excel.
Name Box and Name Manager
With this new feature, you can specify names for a cell or a range of cells.  You can also browse the named cells and edit/add names to cells using the new Name Manager dialog. This makes it very easy to navigate large spreadsheets.
Duplicate Sheet
This new time-saving feature allows you to fully duplicate any existing sheet.
Sheet Tab Color
You can now set the tab color to organize or highlight specific tabs easily.
This essential time-saving feature makes spreadsheet data entry a breeze.
Data Validation
Now data validations within the spreadsheet are rendered.
Status Bar
You can now see the average, count, max, min and sum of selected cells in the enhanced status bar.  You can also choose which values are shown in the status bar.
Number Format Support
New number formats and various date locales are supported now. 
Various date locales:
Number Filter and Text Filter
Quickly filter numbers and text with specified conditions.
Sort A to Z, Z to A
This new feature adds alphabetical/reverse alphabetical sorting to any column.  Previously, only columns with filtered data could be sorted.
Reading View
The new reading view maximizes the viewing area so that you can comfortably view large spreadsheets.  It's possible to toggle between reading and editing views quickly without waiting for the sheet to reload.
Double underline
New double underline style added for additional emphasis on the selected text.
Copy format
A frequently requested feature allows users to copy cell styles to target cells.
Adjustable Formula Bar Height
The formula bar is now expandable by clicking the button at the right end to increase viewing area. 
Enhanced Find/Replace
More options are available on the Find/Replace dialog box.
More chart options
Now more chart options are available for you to customize your chart type and style.
Improved Performance and Limitations
Now the scroll speed performance is improved by 4X. Limitations have also been improved such as increasing renderable column (from 100 to 520), unlimited number of sheets (from 300), more recalcuations (2000 to 4000), and more columns (from 100 to 520).
2) Thinkfree Office Word (word processor):
In addition to the spreadsheet updates, the word processor and presentation applications have also been updated.
Insert image by drag and drop
We have added a feature that automatically inserts an image when you drag an image file on the desktop using the mouse and drop it in the Thinkfree Office Word document area.
Added function to insert the appropriate size when pasting images
If you copy(Ctrl+C) the image from a non-Thinkfree Office Word file and paste it into the Thinkfree Office Word(Ctrl+V), the image is automatically inserted with proper dimensions if the image size is too large.

More Shortcut-keys

More shortcut keys were added to make navigating the document more convenient.


Page Up

Move one screen up

Page Down

Move one screen down


Move to the first of the sentence


Move to the end of the sentence


Move to the first of the document


Move to the end of the document

3) Thinkfree Office Show(presentation):

Slide transition effect

Sometimes slide transitions are used to give a presentation more impact. For these users, the ability to load slide transitions stored in the original document and render them during a slide show has been added. Note that editing or applying new transitions are not provided.


Slide reset

You can revert to the original slide state after changing the position of the placeholders or changing the text and paragraph formatting, using the new “Reset Slide” function. The input (text, objects, etc.) is retained, and only the placeholder's position and formatting are restored.




Crop image

You can crop the image by clicking the “Crop Picture” function located in the task pane or context menu and adjusting the area as needed. Cropped parts can be hidden and re-displayed at any time using the Crop Picture feature.



Shortcut help dialog

The dialog can be displayed by pressing Ctrl + / or clicking K icon in the upper right.


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